The workshop on Mineral resources in hydrothermal mineral systems held online between 17-20 May 2021 attracted participants worldwide. 75% of the registrants participated in the workshop actively.

Res. prof. Ferenc Molnár from GTK has opened the workshop with the first day dedicated to Hydrothermal systems in various geological settings and their mineral resources with special reference to their critical raw materials: mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry. The course went through an introduction to the mineral system approach and characteristics of porphyry-epithermal systems addressing in detail definitions of porphyry and epithermal systems, origin and geochemistry of magmas producing porphyry and epithermal ores, spatial relationships between porphyry and epithermal ores, fluid evolution in porphyry-epithermal systems, mineralogy and specific textures and ending with examples from the Alp-Carpathian orogen Critical metals in porphyry-epithermal system. The day continued with VMS deposits Global distribution and plate tectonic settings of VMS deposits, Grade-tonnage data, Model for the formation of Cyprus –type VMS deposits, and Back-arc VMS deposit models ending with Examples of VMS belts and Ore and alteration zoning in VMS deposits. The lessons presented by prof Molnár ended with the presentation of Orogenic gold deposits through general theory and tools of target generations for mineral exploration, mineral prospectivity, global distribution and specific examples.

The workshop continued the second day with geophysical signatures on hydrothermal systems and their mineral deposits by Fredrik Karell. The day went through regional geophysical data set and their importance for hydrothermal alteration and common tools for regional interpretation, petrophysics linking geology with geophysics, rock physical properties (density, magnetic susceptibility, remanent magnetization, electrical properties), geophysical signatures on some mineral systems (porphyry-epithermal systems, VMS, Orogenic gold), Geophysical signatures related to hydrothermal alternation (regional, local).

The last two days Dr. Torppa Johanna gave an Overview on the history and future of MPM illustrating three case studies on Orogenic gold prospectivity (FL, Wofe), IOCG prospectivity (FL) and VMS prospectivity (FL).

Then went through weights of evidence (WofE) method, ArcGIS & tools for MPM, showing how to work with ArcGIS ArcSDM5. She continued with Model testing methods and Fuzzy logic (FL) method demonstrating FL with ArcGIS Spatial Analyst. The sessions on the use of the tools have been recorded. She illustrated SOM and k-means methods and their application with ArcSDM/GisSOM and ended introducing MPM Online tool and demonstrating its utilization with Fuzzy logic modelling with MPM online tool involving also the attendees to participate and discuss.

Two attendees presented their research work during the workshop:

Cover thickness mapping: a story of irregular data and the art of reconciling uncertainties by Jelena Markov, Research Scientist, Deep Earth Imaging Future Science Platform | CSIRO

 The formation of the low temperature Zn-polymetallic skarn at Recsk, NE Hungary by Máté Hencz