ELTE PhD student Ábel Markó presented two conference papers at the World Geothermal Congress 2020+1. The papers introduce reinjection problems related to geothermal utilization and present specific methods to understand and prevent them. First paper (entitled „Analysis of Geothermal Reinjection Problems with Hydrogeochemical Modelling”) discusses the problem of mineral precipitation during geothermal operation and reinjection, while the second one („Geothermal Reinjection Problems from a Basin-scale Hydrogeological Perspective”) examine the potential effect of overpressure on the reinjection of thermal waters.

János Mihályka, PhD student at ELTE, also presented a conference paper at the World Geothermal Congress 2020+1 and co-authored another one. The first paper (entitled “Preliminary Results of Elaborating a Methodology for Determining the Thermal Conductivity of Clastic Sediments Using Well Logs in Hungary”) discusses a method, where thermal conductivities of clastic sediments can be calculated from geophysical well logs. This work was presented at the plenary session where several useful questions and advice were retrieved from the audience. The second paper presented by László Lenkey (entitled “Updating the Geothermal Database and the Heat Flow Density Map of Hungary”) provided a detailed insight into the Hungarian Geothermal Database. The work was presented in the poster session.

 World Geothermal Congress is the world’s largest geothermal exhibition. WGC2020+1 is organized in a hybrid format with online presentation between March-July 2021 with over 2000 papers presented and discussed interacting with the audience, as well as with on-site appearance in October 2021 in Reykjavik, Iceland. The virtual events cover among others the topics of geothermal exploration and utilisation, geosciences, technology, environmental impact, business development and licensing. The highlight event in Reykjavik will feature short courses, afternoon and evening field trips to geothermal installations and attractions around the capital. It will focus on our industry, its leaders, and the business environment of geothermal today.